Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The first chapter of this book has multiple key points that it discusses. It talks about the importance of visibility. It shows that it is very important to make clear to the user where the functions they wish to use are located. If the person is having trouble locating a function, then it is not an efficient product. The next important principle is mapping, which shows the relationship between two things. It is a problem when a user can’t figure out how to use two applications together for a purpose. Another idea is affordance; this shows that the object can be used for its purpose. If the user does not know what the object is used for the designer did not do his job at all. There is also the concept of feedback. This is a reassurance that the task requested has been done, signified by a signal on the object. If they are given no feedback then they cannot be certain that what they have set out to do has been accomplished. Also talked about is the conceptual model which is meant to predict what their action will come out to be. Finally there are constraints that tell the user what they are limited to do with the object.
The object I have the most difficulty using is other peoples TV remotes. They are always so complex with a lot of different buttons and options. Of course nobody I know has the same one either. They are always so visually clustered, that it is hard to find the button that I am looking for. It is also hard sometimes even when I do locate the right button, to then find the next one that I need. This would be a flaw in the mapping of the TV. Sometimes people even have two remotes, which makes me feel like sitting down and bawling my eyes out.
The iPod addressed some of these main problems that Norman talks about. The visual aids are awesome. Every button makes sense, the menu button goes back towards the main menu, the center button selects, the seek buttons are arrange so the user knows the direction that they lead to. It is a very straight forward object. It has great feedback because it is shown on the screen were you have gone. It has great mapping as well. It is easy to use multiple buttons in a combination to do any of the functions you wish.

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