Friday, October 10, 2008

Simplicity V.S Complexity

I think that simplicity and complexity are part of most of the emotional design elements, however I think that some lead more towards one or the other. Visceral design is more appealing if it is simple. Visceral is our tendency to like certain thing because they a re biologically appealing. I feel that simplicity is one important part in our biological world for the most part. We like simple shapes and colors. We also like more complicated colors as well, along with the fact that some things are very complicated in our biological world. Behavioral is the only one that is literally one sided. The point of this type of design is to be easily understood; so it would be contradictory to make it complicated. I think that reflective designs can be either complicated or simple. Their could be a very nice chair that is one piece of metal that is reflective or a lazy boy with a million different positions.

“I think that complexity can only be justified on something that can do many different things, such as a computer.” -Ted

“Complexity is justified when extra features are included.”- Ronnie

I Pick these quotes because I disagree with both of them. They help me prove my point because I feel they show how the majority of the world view design. I personally think that we should not have to deal with bad designs. It is not a justification for something to be complicated just because it can perform many different things. We should be able to design even the most complicated ideas with simplicity. Also just because it has extra features does not give a design the right to be complicated either. I hope to live I a world were people don't accept poorly designed products.

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